Below you will find information about all upcoming events on guest speakers or interviews! For more information on currently group offerings please see the Wear The Red Lipstick page or my Services page
Untying the knot in my heart with
Charity Whitehad
Location: Zoom
Date: PAST
Register: CLOSED
I hope you’ll join me for a fun and illuminating talk on how yoga and meditation helped me to step, or perhaps more accurately, stumble, into my most authentic self.
Just a hint, it had absolutely nothing to do with how yoga looks on the mat and everything to do
with how yoga allowed me to feel off the mat.
Sometimes we have to come back to our bodies to find our way to our souls. Somehow, miraculously, bending my body into shapes helped me untie the knots in my heart.
In this talk, I will tell you a little bit about how I found yoga, how it helped me step into my authentic self, and how I've found my life's purpose.
There will be some gentle and calming movements to follow along to if you wish.