Services Offered
Individual Therapy, personally, has become one of my most valuable tools in my life. Therapy can
be helpful for a number of reasons including: increasing self-awareness, self-expression, learning to set healthy boundaries, resolve problematic behaviours, change negative beliefs about self, other and the world & forge new and healthy relationships.
I use both somatic and talk therapies together to get at the root of the issue/struggle you wish to work on. I am a champion and cheerleader for you to step into living your best life.
60 Min Session $140
90 Min Session $190
***for information on breathwork sessions please Contact Steph directly***
~ Your truth requires no apology ~
Current Group:
~ The best part about being with a group is you don't have to do everything alone ~
I grew up in a house where sex and biology were talked about openly. The older I got, I realised this wasn't actually the norm. I believe that how able we are to show up in vulnerable intimate sexual connection with another person, is a direct result of our self-worth and self-limiting beliefs. My point of view is that while sex is the most intimate vulnerable connection we can have with another person, sex and intimacy can exist without the other.
I have a passion to help others be sex-positive, inclusive, empowered, vulnerable, overcome body shame & celebrate sexual diversity, honouring different relationship structures.
60 Min Session $140
90 Min Session $190
LGBTQIA2S+ Positive
Sex Work Positive
~ Consent is Sexy ~
Have you ever watched Finding Your Roots or Who Do You Think You Are? and felt empathy, heartbreak, anger or compassion for that celebrity's ancestors?
How we show up in relationships today has a direct correlation to our past and the family we grew up in. Our families taught us what boundaries are acceptable, how to love, how to fight, how to grieve, what dreams are acceptable, gender roles, what tools we have at our disposal when we are faced with anxiety (IE: alcohol, drugs, food, sex, etc...) and so much more.
Creating your own physical Book of Life gives you a opportunity to look at your family with new eyes, creating a new experience not only for yourself but for your ancestors as well
Built over 8 sessions $150/session with 1 closing session with no fee to discuss what has been discovered ***Payment per session
~ If you cannot get rid of your family skeleton, you might as well make it dance! George Bernard Shaw ~
Body Image/Dysmorphia
Isn't it weird how we internally say the most hateful, awful things to ourselves that we would never say to anyone else, ever? For years I based my entire self-worth and lovability on what my body looked like, but oh how wrong I was. Meeting women empowered within their own bodies, no matter their size, shape, build or ability, taught me that it's okay love my body and discard my body shame. I am still desirable and lovable even while wanting certain things to change.
I will teach you new ways to talk to yourself, to look at yourself, give you tools to begin to move in your body in a new way, and to question that old body shame story that runs in your head far too often.
Our bodies do not equal our worth.
60 Min Session $140
90 Min Session $190
~ and I said to my body. softly. 'I want to be your friend.' it took a long breath and replied, I have been waiting my whole life for this.'